Swissquote launches Bitcoin Active 2.0 Mini Certificate

Leading Swiss online trading firm Swissquote says that small is good, as it launches Bitcoin Active 2.0 Mini Certificate.

Crypto-currencies – led by Bitcoin – are revolutionising global monetary systems. Bitcoin is the world’s most valuable virtual currency with a market value of over $700 billion. The original and most popular of the decentralized digital currencies, it has been around the longest, is most widely accepted, has the highest daily trading volumes and the highest market capitalisation.

Investors interested in entering the cryptocurrency markets view bitcoin as an essential investment, however the tempting sky-high returns come with a too-good-to-be-true caveat. The extreme volatility of crypto-assets remains a valid concern for many.

Swissquote’s Bitcoin Active 2.0 Mini Certificate aims to lower volatility while taking advantage of the sector’s short-term upswings. This is achieved by increasing the amount of cash held during periods of uncertainty and downturns to create more consistent returns in the long run.

Exposure is to bitcoin and cash only: between 60-100 percent of the portfolio is allocated to bitcoin depending on market conditions and confidence, and the remainder is invested in CHF.

Swissquote notes that algorithms exclusive to Swissquote were developed by the bank’s Quantitative Asset Management department to smooth out volatility. There is a proprietary algorithm taking into account technical patterns, realised volatility measures buy/sell pressure and social media sentiment. A machine learning algorithm predicts the short-term direction of future returns based on these indicators.

All measures are taken to ensure complete peace of mind with regards to cybersecurity, Swissquote explains, adding that itmanages the end-to-end security of your funds, from private keys to storage and wallets.

Swissquote’s Bitcoin Active Mini 2.0 Certificate is traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange and is easily trackable.

Swissquote has been regularly updating its Themes Trading offering. In May, for instance, Swissquote expanded its Themes Trading offering via the addition of “Swiss Bliss”. Another recent addition is the Inflation Trade certificate.

The Swissquote Themes Trading Certificates offer trading a balanced selection of stocks in a single click. Based on a portfolio of stocks tied to a specific theme or industry sector, they are handpicked and constantly optimized by Swissquote’s experts.

Themes Trading is Swissquote’s collection of dynamic thematic portfolios, which means that traders do not buy individual stocks but assortments of stocks. Investors opting for this thematic investment are looking at what lies ahead and can therefore position their portfolio for faster growth and higher returns.


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